Paper : 1
Dyscalculia: Prevalence and identification
of students.
evidence from a study conducted in Panjim in the state of Goa, India
paper presents the results of a survey conducted in the only three schools with
a resource room at the time, in Panjim in the state of Goa, India.The purpose
of this survey was to find out the prevalence of Dyscalculia among students.
Having done that, the author used a non-standardised dyscalculia test to
identify students with dyscalculia in a resource room. This test also threw
light on the academic needs of the students with dyscalculia. The prevalence of
dyscalculia in the three schools surveyed was found to range from 6% to 19%. The
average of all the schools was 11.13%. The prevalence of children with dyscalculia among boys was found
to be 6.23%, among girls 8.54% andamong boys and girls 18.61%.
A few of the results obtained from the Dyscalculia test were that very few
students made mistakes in “Number recognition and regular perception of ‘6’ and
‘9’ correctly.” Majority of the students (more than 75%) had problems in
“Knowledge of Number sequencing and recognizing ‘skip-counting’ sequence”. The
author found that the 26 students tested had varying degrees of dyscalculia
from mild to moderate to acute, based on the percentage of items they got right
on the test.
is a mathematical learning disorder where the mathematical ability is far below
expected for a person’s age, intelligence and education. Researchers have found
evidence that such a disability exists and because of their findings there is a
need to address dyscalculia as an important learning problem in mathematics.
Teachers, parents and students are often aware of the fact that there are a
number of children with special difficulties in learning mathematics. Pupils
with learning disorders may feel uncomfortable in learning situations, unless
they are treated in a way that facilitates their learning. In order to give the
proper education to a pupil with a learning disorder, it is essential to
understand the most suitable ways in which students with learning disabilities
can acquire mathematical understanding, which is closely associated with
abstract thinking. Dyscalculia is a learning disability
that affects the ability to acquire arithmetic skills. It is derived from the
Greek generic name, “mathematics difficulty”. Until recently, very little was
known about its prevalence, causes or treatment. Children with dyscalculia have
difficulty understanding simple number facts and procedures. They tend to
operate at average or above average levels in other subjects but demonstrate
difficulties in Mathematics. They lack confidence, and practice avoidance
strategies often manifesting in behaviour issues and helplessness. Individuals
display a mathematics disability when their performance on standardized
calculation tests or on numerical reasoning tasks is significantly depressed,
given their age, education and intellectual reasoning ability (Mental Disorders
IV (DSM IV)). When this loss of ability to calculate is due to cerebral trauma,
the condition is called acalculia or acquired dyscalculia. Mathematical
learning difficulties that share features with acquired dyscalculia but
withoutevidence of cerebral trauma are referred to as developmental dyscalculia.(Hughes,
Kolstad&Briggs, 1994). Students who show developmental dyscalculia (DD)
have difficulty recalling number facts and completing numerical calculations.
They also show chronic difficulties with numerical processing skills such as
recognizing number symbols, writing numbers or naming written numerals and
applying procedures correctly (Gordon, 1992). They may have low self-efficacy
and selective attention difficulties (Gross Tsur, Auerbach, Manor &Shalev,
1996). It is important to keep in mind
that not all students who display low mathematics achievement have Developmental
Prevalence of dyscalculia
Research by Joffee,
Fleischner and lately, Brian Butterworth, now acknowledge the recognition of
dyscalculia in its own right and Butterworth further estimates that actually 3-
6% of the population are dyscalculic, based upon a proportion of pupils who
have specific difficulty in Mathematics despite good performance in other
subjects.Students whose only learning disability is developmental dyscalculia
have been reported in several studies (Ozols& Rourke,1991).They comprise3%
to 6.5% of the general school population,(Gross Tsur, Manor& Shalev1996,Von
Aster, 1994), have average or above average intelligence and are found equally
among both boys and girls. Dyscalculia is a learning problem which needs
appropriate educational provisions. Its identification is complicated because
it can be the only difficulty that a child has or it may occur as a part of a
broader range of difficulties. It demands appropriate diagnostic procedures and
educational interventions.The
author believes that there is danger that incorrect diagnosis and
classification can lead to helplessness on the part of the learner, in which
the learner believes that the difficulties are too serious as to benefit from
remediation.This study was conducted to achieve the following objectives:
Objective 1: To
find out the prevalence of students with dyscalculia in schools with resource
Objective 2: To
identify students with dyscalculia and their academic needs
1.2 Significance of the study
i. There
is a lot of research conducted on dyslexia, but less research has been carried out
on dyscalculia in India.
ii. Mathematics is a compulsory subject of
school education. Its study has a profound and long lasting effect on the lives
of its students. Every student must have an adequate knowledge of mathematics
to get on in life. Parents and teachers find it difficult to deal with the
problems of children with dyscalculia. They exhibit a certain level of
iii. Although children have been given an
option to drop mathematics in favour of a vocational subject at the SSC Board
Exam, if diagnosed with dyscalculia, parents are reluctant to allow them to do
so, because of the importance of the subject.
1.3 Types of dyscalculia
Research by
the Dyscalculia Centre, which has been published in SEN Magazine, has shown
that there are five different types of dyscalculia – although inevitably many
young people suffer from a combination of the types listed below.
Type 1 Dyscalculicsreport significant worries about math. As a result
they feel themselves living in an alien world in which everyone else can grasp
math, but they can’t. Self-doubt becomes so strong that it gets
increasingly difficult to persuade the individual that with proper support they
might well be able to undertake and understand mathematical calculations.
Type 2 Dyscalculicsalso experience this deep concern but have found strategies for
understanding and coping with basic mathematics – yet they feel that they don’t
have the automatic grasp that others have and often take twice as much time (or
more) to do a mathematics problem as a non-dyscalculic person.
Type 3 Dyscalculicshave a profound
difficulty in comprehending and dealing with the concept of time.
Sometimes this issue appears on its own, sometimes in combination with type 1
or 2 dyscalculics. For such people time itself makes no sense and they
are quite unable to estimate “five minutes” or any other time length while
questions about timetables and the like are also quite meaningless.
Type 4 Dyscalculics may not always be dyscalculic in the genetic sense,
although they display many of the symptoms of dyscalculic people because they
have short-term and long-term memory problems. These students generally
have a problem with all sequences – and this, of course, affects their ability
to handle mathematics perhaps more than any other subject.
Type 5 Dyscalculicstend not to see numbers as in any way related to the real
world. In one sense most of us have this problem; after all, what is
“six”? We know what six sheep are. But “six”, alone is close
to meaningless. For such people, mathematics can be learned
automatically, but when it gets to issues such as fractions, decimals, and
percentages then life gets difficult.
1.4 Signs and
symptoms of dyscalculia
Afew of the signs and symptoms a
student with developmentaldyscalculiahas are as
Ø difficulties in holding and processing information in the mind –
weak working memory which results in: forgetting where you are
the calculation; failure to carry a number accurately into the
next part
of the procedure.
Ø difficulties in understanding calendars, reading clocks and
Ø difficulties in planning and a failure to check one’s answer.
Ø difficultyunderstanding the
information within the problem.
Ø a weak working memory and difficulties with language and reading
comprehension, will find it difficult to understand information
which is
presented in a symbolic or textual manner.
Ø anxiety relating to mathematics and low self-esteem.
Because mathematics is very
developmental, any insecurity or uncertainty in early topics will impact on
later topics, hence the need to take intervention back to basics.
1.5 Causes of dyscalculia
Successful intervention is dependent on
finding the cause or causes of a problem. Most problems can only be solved if
one knows their causes. A viable point of departure would therefore be to ask
the question, “What causes dyscalculia?”Mathematical performance deficits,
Developmental Dyscalculia, may arisebecause of a wide range of factors, from
poor teaching, to low socio-economicstatus, to behavioral attention problems.
However, a subset of children with math difficulties, possibly with the
most-severe impairments, appears to suffer from a developmental learning
disorder that undermines the ability to process basic numerical magnitude information,
and that impairment in turn undermines the acquisition of school-level
arithmetic skills. This disorder, “primarydevelopmental dyscalculia,” should
not be confused with “secondarydevelopmental dyscalculia,” which refers to
mathematical deficits stemming from external factors such as those described
above. Instead, primary Developmental Dyscalculia is associated with impaired
development of brain mechanisms for processing numerical magnitude information
and is thus driven by endogenous neurodevelopmental factors. The causes of dyscalculia are still a gray
area, and there is little concrete understanding about what causes it or how itcan
be prevented.
Hereditary or congenital disorders may be a significant cause, but there is no concrete evidence to prove it as yet. Injury to the brain that affects working memory is seen as a major factor in mental addition disability.
Hereditary or congenital disorders may be a significant cause, but there is no concrete evidence to prove it as yet. Injury to the brain that affects working memory is seen as a major factor in mental addition disability.
1.6 Assessment and diagnosis of dyscalculia
Recent research has identified the
heterogeneous nature of mathematical learning difficulties and dyscalculia,
hence it is difficult to identify via a single diagnostic test. Diagnosis and
assessment should use a range of measures, a test protocol, to identify which
factors are creating problems for the learner. Although on-line tests can be of
help, understanding the difficulties will be better achieved by an individual
person-to-person diagnostic, clinical interview.
could also involve several tests to determine the presence of a learning
disability. Dyscalculia often requires a paper-pencil test. Check lists can
also be used for initial testing. Further tests are required to reveal how a
person practically applies mathematical concepts. Results are compared with the
expected skill, based on educational level and age.
Areas that are assessed during
dyscalculia tests include:
skills in adding, subtracting, dividing,
multiplying and counting
skills in identifying when to use
mathematical operations
skills in organizing objects
skills in measuring time, money, volume,
and other quantities
skills in re-checking own work and using
alternatives to come up with a correct solution.
Lafayette Parish School Dyscalculia check list has 14 items which have to be
rated using a four point rating scale and then interpreted. It was given to 15
Mathematics teachers along with a questionnaire to find out the prevalence of
dyscalculia in their schools. The entire population of 1757 students was
surveyed, belonging to three schools having resource rooms. Percentages were
used to report the results.
Identificationof students was done by the consistent observation of the
students by the teachers. TheDyscalculia
test (non-standardised) by Liz Weaverwas used to confirm the
identification and to assess the needs of students with dyscalculia. A
purposive sample of 26 students from a resource room was used to identify
students with dyscalculia and their academic needs.Percentages were used to
report the results.
Results and discussion
The prevalence
of dyscalculia in the three schools surveyed was found to be ranging from 6% to
19%. The average of all three schools was 11.13%.
Table of prevalence of students with
dyscalculia in three schools with resource rooms in Panjim
number of students
of students with dyscalculia
of students with dyscalculia
of prevalence of dyscalculia class-wise in three schools
- The
prevalence of children with dyscalculia among boys was 6.23%
- The prevalence of children with
dyscalculia among Girls was 8.54%
- The prevalence of children with
dyscalculia among boys and girls was 18.61%
shows the prevalenceas 5-8% of
school age children (Strauss, 2003),
3-6% of population (,6-7% of school age children (
G., Jovanovic (2013), conducted a study on, “The frequency of dyscalculia among primary school children”. The results indicated that: The
frequency of dyscalculia in the sample was 9.9%. The difference between boys
and girls according to the total score on the test was statistically
significant (p<0 .005="" o:p="">0>
From the
analysis of the results of the dyscalculia test all the students from the
resource room of Our Lady of Rosary H. S. were found to have dyscalculia, but
in varying degrees from mild to moderate to acute.
of mistakes made in the dyscalculia test by students from standards
of mistakes made
percentage of mistakes made by students of standards V and VIII in the
dyscalculia test were more than those made by students of standards VI and VII.
This shows that the former students were more dyscalculic than the latter.
Knowledge of Number sequencing and recognizing “skip-counting” sequence.
All the students tested had
knowledge of natural number sequencing, but recognizing skip-counting sequence
and then being able to fill in the missing numbers, both forward and backward
was a problem for 23 out of 26 (88.46%) students tested. From the selected
sample only Saloni and Sanskruti got the item right.
Number recognition.
15 out of 26 (57.69%) students had a
problem with number recognition including three from the selected sample viz.
Trishna, Tulsi and Reasham. Eight showed ‘6’ and ‘9’ reversals.
Memory of Number sequences.
Eight (30.77%) students had a
problem in counting backwards of which only two were from the experimental
group viz. Ryanna and Trishna.
Memory of Number sequences.
Four (15.38%) students had a problem
with matching the sixes and nines. (reversals).
None of them were from the experimental group.
Pattern recognition and motor coordination.
Seventeen (65.38%) students were
unable to complete the pattern. Four students were able to draw only one row
correctly. Trishna, Tulsi, Reasham, Ryanna, and Saloni from the selected sample
were unable to do it correctly.
6: Ability to copy the problems without number reversals and transpositions.
Only one student showed one reversal
in copying the problems and three students copied one number in one out of four
problems incorrectly which is no cause for concern as it is considered
to be normal for children who do not have dyscalculia. Three students worked
out the problems but did not copy them again.
Twenty students had no problem with aligning the numbers one below the
other to add them correctly. Only Saloni copied wrong.
7: Skill in adding and subtracting, visual discrimination and mental
flexibility in switching between addition and subtraction.
Nine students were not able to
visually discriminate and switch between addition and subtraction correctly.
Tulsi and Reasham from the sample were not able to get this item right. Six
students made a few mistakes which could be due to carelessness. Eleven showed
no errors as they solved all the problems correctly. 57.69% students made
mistakes in this item.
8: Reading comprehension and/understanding of the Mathematics involved.
Four students had no difficulty in
understanding and solving the problem correctly. Seven students were able to
solve only one part of the problem correctly. Fifteen students were unable to
solve the problem showing that they had a difficulty with reading comprehension
and understanding the Mathematics involved. All the students from the sample,
except Ryanna and Trishna showed this difficulty. 84.61% students made
9: Understanding the difference between adding and subtracting.
Only five students knew the meaning
of subtracting. One of them was Saloni from the sample. All the others (80.77%)
could not differentiate between adding and subtracting.
10 and 11: Understanding of the concepts of hours and minutes.
Eleven (42.30%) students did not
understand the concept of hours and eighteen (69.23%) students failed to
understand the concept of minutes. Sanskruti was unable to understand both
units of time.
12: Understanding of the appropriate use of units of time.
Only ten students (38.46%) out of
those tested were not able to understand the appropriate this difficulty.
13: Understanding of a multi-step problem.
Thirteen (50%) students including
Tulsi and Reasham showed difficulty in understanding the multi-step problem and
were unable to solve it correctly.
14: Skip counting aloud by 4.
Fifteen (57.69%) students had
difficulty in skip counting aloud by 4. It is possible they difficulty.
15: Understanding of the differences between units of measurement of length.
Thirteen (50%) students had no
understanding of the difference between units of measurement of length
including Sanskruti from the selected sample.
16: Ability to copy numbers without reversals.
Only six (23.07%) students did not
copy the numbers correctly but there were no reversals. Perhaps these students
did not understand the question. None from the chosen sample had a difficulty
with copying numbers.
17: Understanding the nature of the task and adding correctly.
Nine (34.61%) students made mistakes
while adding. Only Sanskruti had this difficulty.
18: Understanding the nature of the task and subtracting correctly.
Twelve (46.15) students got the
answers incorrect including Donea and Sanskruti. Perhaps they did not
understand the relation between items 16, 17 and 18.
19: Number recognition and regular perception of ‘6’ and ‘9’ correctly.
Only one student (3.85%) had this
problem. This shows that the students tested had mild to moderate dyscalculia.
20: Capacity for remembering a short sequence of numbers and then reproducing
it without reversals or transpositions.
Twelve students could not remember
the short sequence of numbers and showed reversals and transpositions. Nine
students could remember a short sequence of numbers up to four digits, but
could not remember and write the whole sequence correctly.80.77% students had a
problem with this item. Tulsi and Reasham had a difficulty in this item.
21: Ability to remember and orally repeatthe number sequences without reversals
or transpositions.
Twelve (46.15%) students were not
able to repeat the number sequences correctly. Eleven students were able to
repeat 2-3 of the 4number sequences correctly. Tulsi and Reasham had a
difficulty in this ability.
22: Ability to remember a picture and then reproduce it without reversals.
None of the students were able to
remember the picture and reproduce it correctly. However, they could copy it
correctly with the exception of one student who showed a reversal.
23: Capacity to identify the operations involved and perform the Math and fill
in the blanks with the proper number or operation sign.
Twelve (46.15%) students were unable
to identify and perform the operations correctly. Neither were they able to
fill in the blanks with the proper operation sign. Donea showed this
24: Understanding of replacing symbols with numbers and then performing the
appropriate operations
Seventeen (65.38%) students were
unable to understand the replacement of symbols with numbers and perform the
appropriate operations. Donea, Tulsi and Reasham showed this difficulty.
few students made mistakes in “Number recognition and regular perception of ‘6’
and ‘9’ correctly.” All the students made mistakes in the “Ability to remember
a picture and then reproduce it without reversals.” They could not do so from
memory, but were able to copy and reproduce the picture correctly. Only one
showed a reversal. Majority of the students (more than 75%) had problems in “Knowledge
of Number sequencing and recognizing ‘skip-counting’ sequence”, “Reading
comprehension and/understanding of the Mathematics involved”, “Understanding
the difference between adding and subtracting”, “Capacity for remembering a
short sequence of numbers and then reproducing it without reversals or
transpositions” and “Ability to remember and orally repeat the number sequences
without reversals or transpositions”.
Although the percentage of
students with dyscalculia is similar to the results obtained by other
researchers, a lot of work needs to be done in this area. The teachers’ consistent
observation over a period of time of the common mistakes children with
dyscalculia make can go a long way toward correctly ascertaining the prevalence
of dyscalculia among children of a particular area. Also the teachers need to
be familiarized with the signs and symptoms of children with dyscalculia and
given training how to use the checklist mentioned. The non-standardised
dyscalculia test used, helped in identification of students with dyscalculia in
the resource room. It in a way confirmed that the students were indeed dyscalculic.
It also helped in classifying students as mild, moderate or acute in relation
to their being dyscalculic, on the basis of the percentage of items they
answered correctly. This test could be standardized for future use.
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